Expertise in our area, so you can do yours.

We know that many dentists/oral surgeons are able to anesthetize patients, but that the process can detract your attention from the procedure at hand.


  • Provide NPO guidelines

  • Complete a full pre-op evaluation including medical history

  • Get patient fully prepared for surgery

  • Prepare all medications

  • Start the IV

  • Surgeon is able to walk in and simply begin surgery.

During Procedure

  • Ensure safety and comfort of patient from start to finish

  • Continuously monitor all vital signs including heart rate, pulse oxymetry, CO2, oxygenation ventilation, patency of airway

  • Ensure ongoing level of sedation is appropriate for patient and procedure


  • Surgeon is able to leave the room upon completion of surgery.

  • Monitor patient for post-anesthesia time & recovery

  • Prepare patient for discharge

  • After each surgery day, we coordinate with your office to ensure medications remain fully stocked and assist in ordering if necessary.

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